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Clubs & Organizations

Our students at Clarke Prep are offered a variety of clubs and organizations to participate in. These extra-curricular organizations are a great way to get involved in your school. If you are interested in participating in one of our clubs or organizations, please contact the staff sponsor listed. If any staff member or student is interested in starting a new club or organization please contact our activity coordinator, Maggie Garrick,  at

Sponsor:  Mrs. Donna Davis (

The Gator Tracks Yearbook is an elective class that is offered to high school students. The yearbook staff will spend the class focusing on the details of yearbook design and publication. In addition to creating the yearbook, students are responsible for raising the funds necessary to produce the yearbook through ad sales. Also, the staff will need to market and promote the sales of the yearbook and keep track of all orders.

Sponsors:  Ellie Bethea ( and Ivy Motes (

The CPS math teams consist of a High School and Middle School team. They compete in the AISA District Math Competition. If the team wins at the district level, they advance to the state competition held in Montgomery.


Sponsor:  Alison Gerald (

Clarke Prep sponsors a middle school and a high school scholars bowl team. These teams will compete in their school divisions at AISA district and state tournaments. Other tournaments may be included in during the scholars bowl season. The AISA has partnered with the Alabama Scholastic Competition Association (ASCA) and uses the NAQT test series.


The Clarke Prep Student Government Association is comprised of officers in grades 9th-12th and class representatives. The officers are voted on during the 4th quarter of school and serve during the following school year. Class representatives are voted on during the 1st quarter of the current school year. All officers and representatives serve for a term throughout the school year. The officers will represent and be the voice for their student body with the school administration, faculty, and staff. They give their time to help our campus and community. They will raise funds for special community projects, attend AISA SGA conventions, plan and coordinate all homecoming activities, and promote overall school spirit. The Clarke Prep SGA is involved in many school and community service-based projects and requires a high demand of time and effort from the students involved.

Sponsor:  Maggie Garrick
